metropolitan police act 1829造句


  1. The Metropolitan Police Act 1829 ended the position of most parish constables in London, replacing them with a professional and trained police force.
  2. The Assize of Arms of 1252, which required the appointment of constables to summon men to arms, quell Norman Conquest and the Metropolitan Police Act 1829.
  3. The "'Metropolitan Police Act 1829 "'( 10 Geo . 4, C . 44 ) was an Act of Parliament introduced by Norman Conquest.
  4. From the Metropolitan Police Act 1829 onwards, as the police forces began their present form, they began to take on the burden of bringing prosecutions against suspected criminals.
  5. As Home Secretary, he introduced a number of important reforms of British criminal law : most memorably establishing the Metropolitan Police Force ( Metropolitan Police Act 1829 ) for London.
  6. It's difficult to find metropolitan police act 1829 in a sentence. 用metropolitan police act 1829造句挺难的
  7. Peel's Metropolitan Police Act 1829 established a full-time, professional and centrally-organised police force for the Greater London area, known as the Metropolitan Police.
  8. Organised policing followed in London with the introduction of the " Metropolitan Police Act 1829 ", in royal boroughs and counties in 1835, and nationally in 1856.
  9. The parishes of St Paul and St Nicholas, Deptford and the parish of Greenwich were included in the Metropolitan Police District by the Metropolitan Police Act 1829, and in 1840 the rest of the hundred was included by the Metropolitan Police Act 1839.
  10. Most of the hundred ( except Barnes, Merton, Mortlake and Wimbledon ) was included in 1829 in the Metropolitan Police District by the Metropolitan Police Act 1829 and in 1840 the rest of the hundred was included by the Metropolitan Police Act 1839.
  11. The Metropolitan Police Service, whose officers became affectionately known as " bobbies ", was founded in 1829 by Robert Peel under the Metropolitan Police Act 1829, and, at that time, merged with the River Thames Marine Police Force, which had been formed in 1798.
  12. The system of policing by unpaid parish constables continued in England until the 19th century; in the London metropolitan area it was ended by the creation of the Metropolitan Police by the Metropolitan Police Act 1829, and by the County Police Constabularies outside London by the County Police Act 1839 . Together these led to all counties having various constabularies of full-time professionals.


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